Customer Accounts

To Sign Up for Direct Payment

Print out this page and mail it to Groton Electric Light, 23 Station Ave., Groton, MA 01450 or bring it down in person WITH A VOIDED CHECK.

Direct Payment is the easiest way to guarantee your Prompt Payment Discount and keep your electric bill one of the lowest in the Commonwealth. You will never have to worry about missing your discount again; we will do all the work for you.

The benefits of direct payment!!

Direct Payment is always a no charge service.

As usual, you’ll receive your bill on the first of each month.

You’ll have plenty of time to look over your bill and speak to us if there are any questions before your payment is made.

On the 10th of each month, your checking account will be debited for the net, discounted, amount due.

You can stop a specific payment by simply notifying us orally or in writing before the sixth of the month.
You can cancel Direct Payment by stopping by Groton Electric or calling us before the sixth of the month at:    978-448-1150.

Make your life easier—Sign up for Direct Payment Today

To sign up for Direct Payment, complete this form and return it (with a voided check) to our office at 23 Station Ave.,

Groton, MA 01450. You may enclose this completed form with your payment if you wish.

Customer name_______________________________________________________

Address_______________________________Phone number __________________

Groton Electric Account Number__________________________________________

(It’s located at the bottom right side of your bill’s payment coupon.)

Financial institution____________________Routing Number___________________

Checking Account number______________________________________________


I agree to establish debit payment from my checking account beginning with my next bill. I authorize the Groton Electric Light Department to instruct my financial institution to make payments directly from the account indicated on this form. I understand that I will control the payments, and that if I wish to discontinue this service I may simply notify Groton Electric at any time.