Customer Accounts

The undersigned (the "Customer") hereby requests the GROTON ELECTRIC LIGHT DEPARTMENT (the "Department") to install electric service for his/her use and agrees to pay, upon receipt of each bill, all charges for whatever amount of electricity is used, as determined by a meter installed by the Department at the service location ("premises") noted herein, until written notice is received by the Department from the Customer that service should be discontinued and all bills then due have been paid. Such notice shall be given at least 72 hours in advance.

If required by the Department, Customer shall make a cash deposit in accordance with the Department's Billing Rules and Regulations.

Bills for electricity will usually be rendered monthly. The rates for such electricity will be in accordance with the current schedule of rates as filed with the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities. Said rates provide for a minimum monthly charge for each meter.

The Customer is responsible for the protection against damage, tampering, or theft of the meter and any other of the Department's electrical equipment installed at the premises.

Only one dwelling unit may be connected to a meter, unless previous consent has been granted by the Department. The Department reserves the right to refuse this privilege if in its opinion it is more advisable to require a separate meter for each dwelling unit. If consent is granted, the "minimum charge" for each billing period will be multiplied by the number of dwelling units connected.

It is understood and agreed that the Department will make all necessary outside connections to the service entrance according to the Department's rules and regulations. It is also understood and agreed that all apparatus installed at the premises by the Department remain the property of the Department.

The Customer agrees to comply with all regulations pertaining to new service construction. The properly authorized agents of the Department shall have free access, at all reasonable hours, to the premises for the purpose of examining, repairing, or removing its meters, wires, and other electrical equipment. The Customer further agrees that no one who is not an agent of the Department, or who is not otherwise lawfully entitled, shall be permitted to remove or tamper with any Department property.

The Customer hereby expressly authorizes and empowers the Department to discontinue the supply of electricity and to remove the meter and all other Department property whenever any bill for electricity is in arrears, or upon violation of any of the terms and conditions of this contract, or any other contract between the parties hereto.

Customer is not allowed to furnish electricity in any way to another building or dwelling unit for any reason. Violation of this regulation will mean the immediate discontinuance of service until a satisfactory arrangement and adjustment has been made. Also, in extreme cases such as the furnishing of electricity to another customer whose service has been discontinued for nonpayment, a criminal charge may be brought against the customer supplying electricity.

The Department does not hold itself responsible for any damage to property or persons by imperfect wiring or other causes beyond its outside connection with any building.

The Department agrees to use reasonable diligence in providing a regular and uninterrupted supply of electricity but is not liable in any way or respect for any interruption, abnormal voltage, discontinuance, or reversal of its service if the cause of such condition is without willful default or neglect on its part.

The benefits and obligations of this agreement shall commence on the day the Customer is connected to the Department's service and shall inure to and be binding upon the successors and assigns, survivors and executors or administrators (as the case may be) of the original parties hereto.